Tackling Mental Health Issues

As part of our ongoing Tackling Health Inequalities Programme, the Beacon Community Charity Foundation responded to the growing demand for mental health awareness by hosting a series of comprehensive training workshops.
These sessions aimed to provide individuals and charitable organisations with essential knowledge and skills to better understand and support mental health issues.

Workshop Topics Covered

Key Takeaway

The 5 Ways to Wellbeing

A central theme of the training workshops was the “5 Ways to Wellbeing,” which is a set of evidence-based actions that promote mental wellbeing:

Participant Feedback

Attendees found the workshops highly informative and thanked the Beacon Community Charity Foundation for addressing their need for mental health training. They addressed the importance of organising more sessions for grassroots communities. They also advocated for the training of community influencers such as religious leaders, councillors, and community centre managers. Suggestions for separate sessions curated specifically for women’s mental health needs were made.

Message from Chairman
